
Welcome, this is Mubi (with Leo):


Short Bio Profile

Andrea Mubi Brighenti is Professor of Social Theory and Space & Culture at the Department of Sociology,  University of Trento, Italy. Research covers broadly space-power-and-society issues. One main thread includes visibility and visual culture; a second thread covers the territoriology and atmospherology of public space; a third thread focuses on the practices of governance, resistance, and inspiration.

He has published: – as Author,  (with Tali Hatuka) A New Index for Public Space (Routledge 2025); Elias Canetti and Social Theory. The Bond of Creation (Bloomsbury, 2023) ; (with Mattias Kärrholm) Animated Lands. Studies in Territoriology (University of Nebraska Press, 2020); Teoria Sociale. Un percorso introduttivo [Social Theory. An Introduction] (Meltemi, 2020), The Ambiguous Multiplicities: Materials, episteme and politics of some cluttered social formations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), Visibility in Social Theory and Social Research (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Territori migranti [Migrant Territories. Space and The Control of Global Mobility] (ombre corte, 2009):

– as Editor, (with Alexis Gonin and Mattias Kärrholm) Theorizing Terrestrial Politics (in preparation); The New Politics of Visibility (Intellect Books, 2022);  (with Mattias Kärrholm) Territories, Environments, Politics: Explorations in Territoriology (Routledge, 2022); (with Mattias Kärrholm) Urban Walls. Political and Cultural Meanings of Vertical Structures and Surfaces (Routledge, 2018); Urban Interstices. The Aesthetics and Politics of Spatial In-betweens (Ashgate, 2013/Routledge, 2016); (with Ricardo Campos and Luciano Spinelli) Uma Cidade de Imagens (Mundos Sociais, 2012), The Wall and the City (professionaldreamers, 2009);

– Special Issues Editor (select): (with Andrea Pavoni) (Eds.) (2021) “Urban Animals – Shifting Ecologies of Proximities“, Contemporary Social Science 16(1); (with Nicholas DeMaria Harney) (Eds.) (2019) “Comparing What? Conceptualising Comparison in Ethnographic Research”, Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 2/19; (Ed.) (2019) “Theorising Measures, Rankings and Metrics“, Social Science Information 58(2); (with Paolo Boccagni) (Eds.) (2017) “Immigrants and Home in the Making“, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32(1).

Besides various contributions to edited volumes, his articles have appeared in international peer-reviewed journals including Theory, Culture & Society; Culture, Theory and Critique; Cosmos and History; Critical Inquiry; Thesis Eleven; Distinktion – Journal of Social Theory; Social Science Information; Current Sociology; Contemporary Social Science; Sociologica; The Journal of Classical Sociology; The European Journal of Social Theory; Critical Sociology; Time & Society; Space and Culture; Visual Studies; Urban Studies; Surveillance and Society; Social & Cultural Geography; Territory, Politics, Governance; The Journal of Urbanism; The International Journal of Law in Context; Law and Critique.

He is the founder and editor of the independent online web journal lo Squaderno (www.losquaderno.net), and the book series Terrae-X.


1_page CV 2023




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ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-7498-9857






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