Monthly Archives: March 2023
… but no city of philosophers
Following the law of separation of the old Herbert Spencer, the selection of heterogeneous talents and vocations was bound to take place of its own accord. In fact, at the end of a century there was already underground in course of development and continuous excavation a city of painters, a city of sculptors, a city of musicians, of poets, of geometricians, of physicists, of chemists, even of naturalists, of psychologists, of scientific or aesthetic specialists of every kind, except, strictly speaking, in philosophy. For we were obliged after several attempts to give up the idea of founding or maintaining a city of philosophers, notably owing to the incessant trouble caused by the tribe of sociologists who are the most unsociable of mankind.
Gabriel Tarde, Underground Man
On Penal Servitude
Je haïs ces brigands! said an aristocrat named M-ski one day in Omsk as he strode past Dostoevski with flashing eyes. Dostoevski went in and lay down, hands behind his head.
Anne Carson
an obscure vegetation
In the depths of matter there grows an obscure vegetation; black flowers bloom in matter’s darkness.
Gaston Bachelard
Oh, sing, Ulysses. Sing your travels. Tell where you have been. Tell what you have seen. And tell the story of a man who never wanted to leave his home.
Jonas Mekas
…On sent bien qu’il s’agit ici d’entreprendre la géographie d’un certain désert…
Albert Camus